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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  October 9, 2012 1:40am-4:00am PDT

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100% new. ♪ 100% greek. 100% mmm... ♪ oh wow, that is mmm... ♪ in fact it's so mmm you might not believe it's a hundred calories. well ok then, new yoplait greek 100. it is so good. ♪
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back was arian foster. he rolled up 152 yards and a t.d. that means lots of fantasy football points by the way. someone is happy this morning. jets' last chance ended soon after it started when sanchez's pass was intercepted with less than two minutes left in the game. texans stay undefeated on the year. they win, 23 hp 16. >> houston/atlanta undefeated. >> 5-0, already one of the best selling mobile games of all time. now the force is with them. angry birds stalwarts and creators have teamed up with lucas films. this version will feature bird versions of like sky walker, and princess leah, and darth vader. ♪
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>> nice ad. pretty cool. pretty good, guys. angry birds already had 1 billion -- yeah, with a "b" "do "downloads. star wars edition will be available come november 8. sneaking suspicion it may actually do well. >> angry big bird what we need next. >> coming up, two people, one board, frozen atlantic ocean. "mythbusters" tackles the question could jack and rose have survived the sinking of the "titanic." >> but, first, speaking of cold, have you been outsize this morning? a good part of the country, trading flip-flops, record heat to record cold, in record time. coming up. ♪ look around ♪ and the sky is a hazy shade of winter ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lifestyle lift. ♪ and the sky is a hazy shade of winter ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brut ought to you by lifestyle lift. follow the wings.
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♪ and the sky is a hazy shade of
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welcome back, everybody. not quite winter just yet. let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet. maybe you've noticed a little chill in the air. >> loving it. in some parts of the nation, the chill has come along with snow. abc's weather editor, sam champion says the suddenly lower temperatures are going to be around for a while. >> reporter: after suffering
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through the third hottest summer on record, a quick turnaround. a preseason blast of cold air bringing snow in early october from the rockies to new england. in vermont last week, tourists were enjoying fall foliage. today the red and gold is blanketed with white, ushering in the snow are record lows. half the country experiencing serious cold. 31 states plunge below freezing with 643 record low temperatures in the past week. in taylor falls, minnesota, the wild mountain ski area had its earliest opening ever. >> everything lined up just right. and cleared up last night. and it was dry. and the wind was perfect. and it just all worked out. >> reporter: for the first time in early october, temperatures have been low enough to make snow. what did you do last weekend? >> i was water skiing. >> reporter: water skiing. this weekend you are? >> snow boarding. >> reporter: is that kind of nuts in a week you can do that? >> yeah, pretty crazy. >> reporter: and just two weeks
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ago in three rivers, minnesota, residents were battling record heat and wildfires. and more than a foot of snow fell, canceling schools and causing power outages. their first shelf of unusually cold air is not over yet. expect tuesday morning temperatures to again be below normal to denver to new orleans and become into new england. sam champion, abc news, new york. >> we'll be back. mm. mm-mm-mm. hey, how are dwroing.
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welcome back. welcome back. four weeks from today we will be telling you it is election day believe it or not. maybe the people who want that day to come more than anyone, are the candidates' wives. >> "nightline" anchor cynthia mcfadden sat down with one of them, first lady michelle obama. >> reporter: her husband's not so secret weapon crisscrossing the country over the last few
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weeks not to mention a slew of talk shows. >> he's funny. i'm funnier. >> reporter: and then there was her anniversary, not exactly the date of her dreams. she did get a hug. from ann romney. you know, i know that ann romney is playing for the other team, but isn't there a certain sisterhood between women who are in this position? >> absolutely. and this is something that barack and i talk about. we have learned this over time. whenever make this kind of sacrifice, they deserve a pat on the back because that's how much this democracy works 678. >> reporter: outside the white house there is always lots of chatter about how much is the first lady influencing policy. how do you see your role in that regard? >> i rarely step foot in the west wing. in fact, people are shocked when they see me there. >> reporter: the first lady has long said her most important role is mom in chief. and now, with a teenager. i have a 14-year-old son. he has a question.
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it's hard enough to be 14 if your parents aren't the president and first lady if you don't live in the white house. how do you help her negotiate that treacherous territory of 14? >> we point out, look around. you want to see hardship? you want to see struggle? you don't have it, kid. so i think giving her some perspective on what tough is. being 14, and, you know having the president as your father, is way down on the list of tough. >> final question. >> yes. >> what would you like that you don't have right now? >> oh, gosh. you know what? i feel so blessed and so content. i have what any parent would want. i've got a husband who loves me, i've got two kids who are healthy and happy, and i wouldn't dare ask for anything more. cynthia mcfadden, abc news, new york. >> the secret weapons. keep in mind. very cool day on ""gma.""
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tomorrow. ann romney will be co-hosting the second hour. check that out for sure. >> well do. and surviving the titanic disaster. >> did jack really have to die off to end the movie? we will tell you when we come back. [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] it's not for colds, it's not for pain, it's just for sleep. [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] because sleep is a beautiful thing. [ birds chirping ] introducing zzzquil, the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil. ♪ promise full whitening results in two weeks or more. rembrandt® deeply white™ 2 hour whitening kit is proven to quickly remove surface stains and deep stains in just two hours. [ female announcer ] rembrandt® deeply white™: whiten in just 2 hours. and i've been the equipment manager for the new york giants for the past 35 years. and i've been using tide to fight the smells and stains of the game. because when i do the laundry... it's for a family of 53. that's my tide. what's yours?
1:53 am
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severe low blood sugar can be serious and life threatening. ask your healthcare provider about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions, such as body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat, or sweating. with flexpen®... say good night to vial and syringe. ask your doctor about levemir® flexpen. covered by 90% of insurance plans, including medicare. find your co-pay at
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♪ you are safe in my heart and my heart will go on ♪ >> i love that song. >> mm. i'm back, i'm back. >> are you okay? >> finally, this half hour, it just didn't have to happen. it being what took place at the end of the movie titanic which you are going to see in a second. >> well, a new reinactment of that scene in the movie shows that nobody had to die. it's oklahoma. here's abc's david wright. >> so cold. >> reporter: spoiler alert, in case you are the one person on the planet who hasn't seen "titanic." jack doesn't make it. he freezes to death in the icy atlantic so that rose can survive. but was that as it had to be? hey, james. >> hey.
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>> on the discovery channel, "titanic" director james cameron turned to request "mythbusters" for help. >> thousand of fans think i got it wrong, could have both been supported by the board and could have lived. >> reporter: the "mythbusters" tried it first in a bathtub with little jack and rose dolls. >> it doesn't look like it could stay afloat. >> reporter: then tried it for real in the open water. >> jack's first attempts to get aboard the board seem very similar to the movie. the board does appear to be made for one. sure enough, persistence pays off, especially when they came up with a tweak worthy of macgyver. >> you are wearing a life jacket. let's put the underneath and get every bit. >> reporter: by latching the life preserver under the plank, jack and rose both would have been high and dry. >> we are rescued. we totally made it.
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>> i think you missed the point here. >> reporter: the director points out sometimes the laws of drama trump the laws of physics. >> the script says jack dies. he has to die. >> reporter: the ending for this movie had to include some tragedy. david wright, abc news. >> rose is lucky i wasn't out there. i would let go. i'm gone. >> of her? >> bye-bye, got to find another. >> going to get on the raft and kick her off? >> look, love. you've got to move on. look, see. >> you would have been like see you. pushed her. >> later, girl. sorry, life is tough. it's a jungle out there. plenty of fish in the sea. see you back at land, maybe. i'm an only child. >> i never noticed. >> it's slightly obvious. it's all right. well, our hearts and this show will go on. more from abc coming up next. don't go far -- it's so cold. it's so cold. don't go far -- it's so cold. it's so cold.
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this morning on "world news now" -- the numbers game. new polls paint a picture of a shifting presidential race with just four weeks to go. >> both candidates will end up in all-important ohio later today. it is tuesday, october 9th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good tuesday morning, everyone. i'm paula faris. >> and i'm rob nelson. we'll get to the latest polls and the battle in the buckeye state coming up in just a moment. also this half hour, judgment day for jerry sandusky. and we're hearing from the convicted child molester ahead of today's sentencing that could put him away for the rest of his life. he released this incredibly interesting statement. and again, not, no contrition, no guilt, pointing fingers and saying he still denies it, and
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it's all the result of a conspiracy against him. an amazing statement hours before he may get sentenced the rest of his life behind bars. >> he's going to go in front of the judge. some of the victims will go in front of the judge today. he faces anywhere from 10 years to 400 years. >> emotional day in court. hopefully some closure of some kind. and then a free fall from the edge of space. the stage is set for one of the most daring feats in history today. a daredevil's 23-mile plunge from the stratosphere. it's going to take him 3 1/2 hours to get up there, just seconds to get down. >> amazing. talk about -- guts and courage and -- crazy. >> all of that rolled up in one. >> i don't get it. also, together again? well, the signs all point to a kristen stewart/robert pattinson reunion. the latest on the rekindling love life coming of in "the skinny." see, maybe real love has a second act after alleged infidelity, whatever.
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he found it in his heart to forgive her. >> worked it out. >> that could be cool. a happy ending for once. >> maybe it could bring them closer. >> maybe. a new numbers game, four weeks before the election. four weeks from today. can you believe it? >> let's go. >> a new poll after the debate shows mitt romney bouncing up. he's now ahead 49% to 45% over the president. although the race does remain very close. with both candidates returning to a state critical for victory in november. abc's karen travers is joining us now with more. hey, karen. >> good morning, rob. good morning, paula. a month out from election day, yesterday wasn't the typical day on the campaign trail. mitt romney was focused on foreign policy, and the president was asking for cash, not votes. shifting his focus to foreign affairs, mitt romney launched a scathing attack on president obama's policies and leadership overseas. >> it's time to change course in the middle east. it's clear that the risk of conflict in the region is higher now than when the president took office. >> reporter: so far the economy
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has dominated the campaign debate, but the romney campaign tried to seize on questions and criticisms about the president's handling of last month's attack in libya. it was also a chance to try to reverse the tide after some of romney's perceived missteps including initial response to the libya attack. the republican contender accused the president of passivity over partnership. >> i know the president hopes for a safer, freer, more prosperous middle east allied with us. i share this hope. but hope is not a strategy. >> reporter: the romney campaign was feeling good after his debate performance last week, and there's evidence he got a bounce. the president was stumping for cash, not votes. he continued his california fund-raising swing, which is expected to bring in $10 million over two days. in between money events the president attended a dedication at caesar chavez national monument. >> our world is a better place because caesar chavez decided to change it. >> reporter: with president obama and mitt romney in ohio the focus is likely to shift back to the economy.
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rob and paula, back to you. >> thanks a lot, karen. this thursday, it's the candidates for vice president who will meet face to face, and our own martha raddatz will moderate the debate. abc will carry it live. it all kicks off at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. they say bind could be feeling the pressure. the president did so poorly. now pressure on joe's shoulders to come out there and kind of put, spark a fire that the president could not. also interesting, came out yesterday from our pollster at "the washington post" is that the composition of the polls has changed a little bit. can explain some of shift in numbers. both in the gallup and pew poll, self-identified democrats, that number was higher in the predebate polls. self-identified republicans were up in the post-debate polls. so the wind has definitely been at romney's back, that's for sure, but the composition changed and changed numbers as well. >> i think there will be paul ryan's fourth debate since he's been in congress, so definitely
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new to that game, whereas joe bietden has been around 40-plus years in the senate. >> a long time. pressure on both, that's for sure. >> it will be high drama. one month after the deadly attack on the u.s. ambassador to libya and three other americans in benghazi we were learning more about security fears leading up to the assault. state department documents show the u.s. embassy in libya asked for a four-month extension for a 16-member security team and the team's commander tells abc news, that ambassador chris stevens wanted the security force to stay even longer, past august. but no request was actually received. in fact, a request for an extension past august, it was, but no never made even though it had been confirmed and it was granted. but they had never actually put that request through. but tragic, if indeed that request was never made. according to these new reports. >> conditions in the country were worsening. of course, 9/11 a vulnerable time for us here domestically
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and interests abroad. interesting, too, what congress looks into in the house oversight and government reform committee will have hearings wednesday. at least two folks from the state department expected to testify. congress shining a spotlight on exactly how prepared or not prepared we were. >> just getting to the crime scene turned out to be pretty difficult. it took the fbi three weeks to reach the location and gather evidence from there. it's been about a month. i know the white house has promised to bring justice but hasn't spelled anything in particular out. so i think they're waiting for facts to roll in, which are rolling in very slowly at this point. >> slowly. >> we're looking for that to play a role in foreign policy debate. that's coming up too. also we're hearing from an unrepentant jerry sandusky, a judge is expected to send him to prison for the rest of his life. sandusky released a defiant jailhouse statement to a penn state radio station, declaring his innocence and blaming it on a conspiracy, by lying, accusers, investigators, and the
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media. >> they can take away my life. they can make me out as a monster. they can treat me as a monster. they can't take away my heart. in my heart i know i did not do these alleged disgusting acts. >> sandusky will be sentenced on 45 counts of child sex abuse. at least six of his victims plan to take the stand to ask the judge for the harshest possible punishment. well, the death toll from that nationwide meningitis outbreak is going up this morning. there are now 105 confirmed cases in nine states. so far, at least eight people have died. also, 13,000 more people may still be at risk. the steroids contaminated by a fungus were delivered to two dozen states. fungal meningitis, it is not contagious, but those injected in the spine to relieve back pain are most at risk. in other news this morning, relief is on the way for drivers in california. those sky-high gas prices are expected to fall soon.
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some people were paying nearly $6 a gallon, believe it or not. the governor did order a switch to cheaper winter blend fuel. republican opponents say there should be one formula all year long. >> it is no lasting solution. aren't we looking for the long term, so for the next years, we are not going to be facing the gas prices. >> critics say the more expensive summer blend gas is needed to reduce smog. >> and gas is not the only thing costing more. this year's apple crop, it is the smallest in 26 years. extreme weather last spring, warm weather in march and chill in april caused apple blossoms come early and die suddenly. now it is pushing the prices of apple up $1 a pound. the price of apple juice up 20%. >> not good news. you have two little ones that like the a.j. >> a.j. or o.j.? >> apple juice.
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>> never called it a.j. >> really? every day -- you learn something useful and important on the overnights. >> maybe like, once a week i learn something useful. there we go. >> that's more accurate. >> well, here's look at your w.x., your weather. cooler than normal, morning drizzle from boston to new york. thunderstorms around orlando, miami. a wintry mix, rob's favorite. in northern minnesota. and showers from des moines, green bay, moving into chicago, kansas city. >> mostly 50s in the northeast, 60s in the midwest, and 70s from albuquerque to boise. you know it's getting to be halloween time when we have stories like this. you're about to see. charlie brown, eat your heart out. >> he surely would love that massive pumpkin. set a california state record yesterday when the was weighed at a pumpkin festival. 1,775 pounds. that is a full 71 pounds more than last year's record weight. by the way, crops in the state of oregon, that's where the great pumpkin this year was grown. all right. and here's a bizarre one from sunday night over on kwfs. they were pitching an android
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tablet from kids. when the guest host, cassie slain on left started having some problems. you see her patting her chest. >> she appeared to faint. the co-host caught her and he also continued to talk about the product like nothing had happened. slain was apparently suffering from low blood sugar. but she is fine now. the weird part he kind of kept talking despite, you know -- her passing out. crazy. you know. >> i already know that you would push me out of the way. >> i'd be there for you. i'm there for you. >> seriously did you hit your head? >> for the joke to work, you got to keep talking, paula. i didn't fall for nothing. oh. >> i can't help it i'm compassionate. >> mitt romney likes the costco shirts. a year's worth of toilet paper. >> hey, girl. >> now they're offering home furnishings. >> those are my dirty socks. be careful now. >> stinky. >> the first man to plunge to earth at the speed of sound. when we come back.
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this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions, and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. but between check-ups tartar builds. keep it clean with new listerine® ultraclean™. it's the only mouthwash with a new tartar control formula for a dentist clean feeling. ahhhhhhhh. [ male announcer ] new listerine® ultraclean™. power to your mouth™. and i've been the equipment manager for the new york giants for the past 35 years. and i've been using tide to fight the smells and stains of the game. because when i do the laundry... it's for a family of 53. that's my tide. what's yours?
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♪ let's go there ♪ let's go there ♪ can ye ♪ let's go there ♪ let's go there ♪ can you take me higher >> oh, creed. >> mm. if everything goes as planned, a death-defying feat of courage will make it into the history books later today.
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>> felix baumgartner, the 43-year-old daredevil known as fear less felix is to free fall from space and hurl like an extreme human cannonball, no thank you, and head straight toward the new mexico desert. >> reporter: the plan, years in the making is simply astounding. felix baumgartner will try to make a supersonic stratospheric jump leaping from 23 miles high and breaking the sound barrier at speeds of more than 700 miles an hour. baumgartner, a former austrian paratrou paratroupeer, says he's ready for the extreme challenge. >> we practiced this for so many years. and now we are almost there. so this is my biggest dream. and we are one step closer and almost there. i feel good at the moment. >> reporter: along with baumgartner's nerves of steel, the mission requires
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cutting-edge equipment. he'll strap on a helmet, special suit, and lift off from roswell in a 3,000-pound cable and bag, balloon with 30 million cubic feet of helium, the skin thinner than a ziploc baggy. stretching 55 stories high, it is so huge it would cover 40 acres if laid flat. the ride up to reach 120,000 feet will take close to three hours, and then with the sky black and the curve of earth in sight, the moment of truth. >> that one step forward is an important step. because you know you're coming home. you are going to back -- to a very healthy environment again. because you have been in a
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hostile environment for so many hours. >> reporter: the heart stopping return to earth could take 5:30 minutes. after years of skydiving, he promises this jump will be his last. >> in more ways than one, maybe. >> yes.
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♪ skinny ♪ so skinny >> hate to be the bearer of bad news here to start off "the skinn skinny", but kind of a long-term
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hollywood marriage unexpectedly headed toward split tsville. danny devito and rhea perlman are done after 30 years of marriage. and danny devito, star of "taxi" and how many movies, rhea perlman starred as carla the feisty waitress on "cheers" many years ago. have decided after 30 years they're going their separate ways. devito's spokesman confirmed the split. but did not really say why. some speculation, crazy work schedules for something else. so far no real reasons why they're going their separate ways. kind of sad to hear that kind of news. you are used to marriages busting up, four, five, six years, normal in hollywood. 30, you think by that point you are in it to win it. >> they had been together ten, 11 years prior, so we're talking 40-plus years together. >> that's crazy. i don't get that. wish them well, whatever the reason was. maybe, maybe it's not really over. we'll see. wish them well that's for sure. >> from a breakup to a makeup. ♪ makeup >> all you twihards are going to
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be excited, maybe. i don't know how you feel. robert pattinson, kristen stewart, according to "people" magazine, back together. not according to either. but sources, sources, say it is back on. of course, they broke up in july after her affair with rupert sanders, director of "snow white and the huntsman." apparently they met up in los angeles. according to these "sources" and began spending more and more team together. he decided not to sell house they shared in l.a. together. they will make their first appearance together as part of -- well promoting the twilight saga "breaking dawn 2. " >> maybe publicity minded. you never know. not to be too jaded. you never know. currently not physically together. he is in new york. she is in california hanging out with her dad. >> maybe, chris brown and rihanna, got their thing back together. looks like. they may be getting backing together. you never know what way life will twist and turn.
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>> uh-huh. also jennifer lopez making headline this morning as well. she is the executive producer of a new sitcom, called "the fosters" which airs on abc family. and basically centers around two women raising an ethnically diverse group of biological and adoptive children. the premise of the series has angered the very conservative family group, one million moms. we heard from them before the they take issue with the attempt, rather, to redefine marriage and family by having two moms raise these children together. they also slam hollywood for pushing an agenda that homosexuality is acceptable when strip scripture clearly states it is a sin. they think abc family has lost its mind and anything but family friendly. hooray for compassion and tolerance as always from that family group. >> all right. "50 shades of grey," the movie is coming out. we know who -- the studio, the producers, and now we know the screen writer. the screenwriter will be kelly marcel on the right.
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who is she? she co-created "tara nova." and a film with tom hanks in production. >> going to be rich too. >> yeah, going to have a lot of money. ♪ but only if i were go out without my covergirl. are you crazy?
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i want to look natural, not naked! but all you need is 3. lashblast for volume, outlast -- for kissing... simply ageless to help you look easy breezy beautiful covergirl. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health.
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♪ but o i were ♪ but only if i were a painter and could paint a memory of you ♪ finally this half hour, would you like a picasso, a monet, maybe a little van gogh with your massive package of paper towels? >> the 400 bundle. or how about a warhol with your pallet of bottled water? costco believe it or not is making pairings possible as abc's john muller shows us. >> reporter: it is famous for stretching the family dollar from toilet paper to televisions, t-shirts to t-bones, costco is an american staple for staples. now the retailer known for deep
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discounts is selling fine art on its website. >> costco sells just about anything. why not? >> reporter: a latiss lithograph for $1,049. andy warhol for more than $1,000. a lot of campbell soup cans. or to put it another way, 2,336 rolls of kirkland brand toilet paper. or 187 pounds of cashews. costco says it keeps the cost below those of most art galleries by charging no more than a 4% mark-up on all retail items. business is booming since the art was first listed two weeks ago. if you go online, you notice all the masterpieces are out of stock, sold out. >> i mean, i like costco, but for fine art, i would rather be in person. >> they're a big company, and i would trust to buy fine art from them. >> reporter: the artwork will join other luxury offers like jewelry and wedding dresses. believe it or not, fine art has been sold at lines before.
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sears sold through their catalog in the 1970s. get this. your warhol comes with a money-back guarantee if you don't like it. that just might be better than 15 minutes of fame. john muller, abc news, new york. >> i may be the only person on the planet never been to a costco. but i think it's great they have that stuff there. >> wait, have you been to sam's? >> no. i grocery shop. i am not a club member. i know that makes me anti-american. >> if you have a kid, you need diapers en masse. >> right. >> you go to costco, you can never get out of there without spending $500. go for two things end up with a cart full. >> same with wal-mart. get that been there. >> hot dog, soda. $1.50. it's one of the greatest buys on the planet. >> that's a good deal. like the sound of that
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this morning on "world news now" -- judgment day. jerry sandusky will be sentenced today in a pennsylvania courtroom. >> the convicted child molester released a defiant audio statement on the eve of the sentencing. it is tuesday, october 9th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good tuesday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm paula faris. we're going to hear from jerry sandusky in just a moment. he and some victims are also expected to speak in court today. also this half-hour, one arrest in the wedding day brawl in philadelphia. police have a whole lot of questions about what led up to the death of the bride's uncle,
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and in a strange twist of irony and twist of fate, it happened to be his birthday as well. >> trying to get his family members out of the way of mayhem, has a heart attack on his birthday. the story is tragic on so many levels. also this half hour from nascar to your commute, what the 25-car pile-up at talladega can teach drivers everywhere about split-second decisions in a crash. a little later, a reunion for one of the most popular shows of a generation, "melrose place." >> did you watch, a fan, back in the day? >> i actually never watched. >> never watched, really? >> i didn't. i was watching scooby doo. >> no, you were a little old for scooby-doo when that was out. >> i watched scooby doo until i was in ninth grade. back off. okay. that explains some things. first jerry sandusky will be sentenced today and likely faces the rest of his life in prison for his conviction on 45 counts of child sex abuse. >> sandusky and some of his victims are expected to speak in court.
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ahead of that sandusky released a statement from his pennsylvania jail cell. abc's jim avila has the story. >> reporter: jerry sandusky releases an audio statement proclaiming himself an innocent man and calling his victims liars. >> i'm responding to the worst loss of my life. first i looked at myself. over and over i asked why? why didn't we have a fair opportunity to prepare for trial? why have so many people suffered as a result of false allegations? what's the purpose? maybe it will help others. some vulnerable children who could be abused might not be as a result of the all the publicity. that would be nice, but i'm not sure about it. i would cherish the opportunity to become a candle for others as they have been a light for me. they can take away my life, they can make me out as a monster, they can treat me as a monster, but they can't take away my heart. in my heart, i know i did not do these alleged disgusting acts. my wife has been my only sex partner and that was after marriage.
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our love continues. >> it is a defiant and risky statement. sandusky now has to face a judge and is expected to repeat those very sentiments with no remorse. jim avila, abc news, new york. >> neither one of us, of course, sat on that jury, but i think it's common opinion most people consider him to be guilty for a multitude of reasons. the statements, the creepy interview with bob costas, and one of the lines, "think about how easy it was for them to turn on me, given the information, attention, and potential perks." his statement is trying to make himself sound like a victim. let's take that at its value for a second. why would the community all of a sudden conspire against this man using the most horrifying kinds of charges. it's just baffling i think to so many folks. >> yeah. and the saddest part is there doesn't seem to be any remorse for any of the victims at all. >> no. >> now they have to be concerned with where to place him in the state in terms of penitentiaries.
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there is 25 prisons for men in pennsylvania, but none that have a specific ward or housing unit for sex offenders. you have to be concerned about that. he is going to be a target. >> his safety. there is court justice and jail justice. crimes against women and especially kids he could be in harm's way. they're anxious for sentencing because they do plan to appeal the case. it is not over just yet. >> imagine how emotional jarring it is going to be for some of the victims to hear him on the stand try to plead for his innocence. >> it's going to be an incredibly painful day in court. we'll, of course, keep you posted right here on abc news. moving along, the meningitis outbreak is getting worse. with as many as 13,000 people still at risk. the cdc says 105 cases have been confirmed in nine states and at least eight people have died. officials are still not sure how many shots of steroid medication were used to treat pain that were contaminated with a fungus that causes a noncontagious form of meningitis. police in philadelphia are pressing ahead with their investigation into the huge
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weekend wedding brawl that was ought caught on tape and ended with the bride's uncle dead. the one person who has now been charged. more arrests are expected. the latest from our reporter annie mccormack from our philadelphia station wpvi. >> reporter: it's the wedding video seen around the country after going viral on youtube. now a relative of the groom seen in this video is charged by police. 26-year-old matthew softgo was charged on numerous counts of assault and rioting. bride nicole sanuti stood horrified after finding her uncle had collapsed outside the hotel. friends say she was getting away from a fight inside where police responded with batons and tasers, following a fight between the sanuti/softgo wedding party and another one held at the hotel. friends who did not want to speak on camera said sunuti's day was perfect. her reception at "v" on north
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broad street in philadelphia was beautiful. but according to police, around 1:00 a.m., a fight broke out between sanuti's wedding guests who were staying at the sheraton, and guests of another wedding. police discovered the 57-year-old uncle of the bride outside of the hotel unconscious from an apparent heart attack. he later died. >> a very close family. extremely. so this is really hard. it's hard for everybody. we still can't believe it. >> reporter: long-time friend of vince sanuti, pat strenge says she w he was full of life and just a week before shared how excited he was for his niece's wedding day. >> very sad. the way it happened. and also his birthday. >> 57th birthday to be exact. >> annie mccormack from wpvi reporting. now to "your voice, your vote." the surge in the polls for mitt romney. taken right after the debate, the poll finds romney swinging ahead of president obama, 49% to 45%. mainly due to new support from
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romney from women voters who at one time strongly favored the president. and romney blasting the obama administration on foreign policy yesterday. during a speech in virginia he claimed that the risk of conflict in the middle east is higher now than it was when president obama took office, and he urge add more aggressive u.s. role in the syrian civil war. meantime president obama campaigning on the west coast sounded an urgent note in his appeal to voters. he told supporters in san francisco they must be almost obsessive in getting out the vote. the president and mitt romney returned to the crucial state of ohio later today to campaign in that critical state. first lady michelle obama is sharing a bit of what goes on behind the closed doors of the white house. in a "nightline" interview she told abc's cynthia mcfadden she rarely steps foot in fact in the west wing and steers clear of trying to influence her husband's policies, instead sticking to her own causes like fighting childhood obesity. mrs. obama also talked about how comfortable the president is around women. >> this is one of the things i
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love about barack. he is so used to having strong women in his life. you know, it's odd. i tell him that this is somehow, you know, god keeping his testosterone in check because, really, he is surrounded by women. >> the first lady says she no longer has doubts that they're doing what is best for their family and for the country as well. the search for a missing fifth grader near denver is still coming up empty. police looked along highways and combed through fields in hopes of finding any sign of 10-year-old jessica ridgway. she vanished on her way off to school friday. and a backpack believed to belong to her was found six miles away. hundred of volunteers have been assisting in the search. major change in american religious life. for the first time in history, the u.s. does not have a protestant majority. that's according to a study released overnight. among the reasons, a growing number of americans who say they have no religion. one in five say they do not
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belong to a religion. interesting peek into the spiritual state of the nation, i guess. >> the first time it's dropped below 50%. if owe you're a nondenominational christian and don't associate yourself as protestant, which i would say i am protestant. i go to nondenominational church. you don't fall into the protestant category. there may actually be christians who are nondenoms, which isn't classified as a protestant. >> in an election year, through the political prism. the study found americans with no religion support abortion rights and gay marriages at a higher rate than the u.s. public at large, and most of the people tend to vote democratic as well. you wonder if the increase in nonreligious folks, identify as nonreligious if that tips any political scale in election year. but it is a slowly evolving thing. but interesting look into
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america. >> but a first. >> it is. >> your tuesday forecast. everybody, showers in the upper midwest, twin cities, green bay. spreading later to chicago and kansas city. morning sprinkle in the northeast. thunderstorms in florida. scattered showers in the san an. city and albuquee. just 40s from fargo to minneapolis. 60s from kansas city to new york. and here's a story we're simply head over heels for -- or is it the other way around? we're trying to figure that out. no matter. either way. >> congratulations to 16-year-old miranda ferguson of dallas, texas. set a new guinness world record, last friday, by doing 35 consecutive back handsprings. ferguson was training for her attempt for about a year. >> it took her all the way from one 15 yard line to the other. she bettered the old mark by three full handsprings. so good for her. that's a flipping great world record. >> don't know how she didn't hurl at the end of that. good going. >> she may have. we're not going to show you that though. you may have seen the massive wreck at nascar's sprint cup over the weekend. up next, what we could learn
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by surviving a car crash, by looking at that mess there. you're watching "world news now." ♪ crash into me ♪ crash into me >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. ♪ crash into me ♪ crash into me
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♪ for you ♪ for you for me come crash into me ♪ ♪ crash into me ♪ crash into me >> train wreck right there. >> cats coming into the studio. >> crash into me from dave matthews band, one of the greatest live bands ever in my
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opinion and appropriate also for this next story. we showed you sunday's major nascar crash yesterday morning. >> what can it teach everyday drivers like most of us about surviving an accident on the road. here is abc's matt gutman. >> reporter: an epic collision. >> oh! stewart into the middle of the pack and over. >> reporter: 25 cars spinning, flipping into a smoky mash of rubber and steel. >> huge wreck to end this race. >> reporter: look at it again, closely, fraction of a turn of the wheel by driver tony stewart at 200 miles per hour. his is the car that goes airborne, setting off a chain reaction. watch this one car as it slams into the pileup. now, this is the camera from inside that very car. for stewart, just another day on the track. >> i just screwed up. i take 100% of the blame. you know, was trying to win the race. >> reporter: miraculously no one
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was hurt. that wasn't the case on friday in sarasota, florida, a chain reaction collision on i-75. mangling cars, jackknifing tractor trailers, injuring dozens. >> it looked like a scene out of a nascar wreck. >> just crunching into each other. >> i just put my head down so i didn't see it. >> reporter: there are a few tips from the pros. >> the biggest thing that you try to do is anticipate a little bit where you might go if something should happen. >> reporter: try to drive in the outside lanes of the highway. that way a quick turn will put you on the shoulder and out of the melee, and listen to this. if a crash is inevitable. don't swerve. the front of your car is designed to take the biggest impact. >> you have to constantly be aware of your surroundings. obviously things like safety wearing a seatbelt. we hit the track with president of the homestead speedway, matt
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beacher, an old nascar hand. >> you have to make the same judgments out on the roadway -- whether someone has done something in front of you, next to you, behind you it will change how you react, on the brakes or gas or steering out of a problem. >> reporter: he says it is critical to have an escape plan before you drive no matter what track you're on. matt gutman, abc news, homestead, florida. >> hopefully we don't find ourselves in that unfortunate situation where we have to apply those rules. >> amen. best advice, don't swerve. front designed to take the most impact. most people panic. you switch. that's great advice to know that. interesting piece. >> especially when you see a deer too. that's your natural instinct when there's an animal on the road. just run it over. i mean -- >> peta, send your e-mails to paula faris -- >> don't swerve. can make the situation worse. >> agreed. all right, me and sarah mcgloughlin will be back after this. >> "melrose place" -- we're part of the family, kind of, sort of, a cast reunion. it's all straight ahead. >> announcer: abc's "world news now" will continue after this from our abc stations. of the family, kind of,
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welcome back, everybody. time to take a trip back in t time to take a trip back in time to "melrose place." the soap opera based on an apartment complex aired for seven seasons. >> abc's amy robach is now married to one of the show's stars, andrew shue, and she went along to a recent cast get-together. take a look. ♪ >> reporter: "the entertainment weekly" photo shoot was like a family reunion for me as andrew introduced me to his old friends. they were all here. matt, kimberly, billy, allison, sydney, jo, jake, jane, and their special guest star, heather locklear, as amanda. >> when i saw this show before i was on it, it -- i just went, oh, my god, that group looks so fun to be with, i really want to be on that show.
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it has been a really special cast. >> how did you feel about being amanda? >> i love her. >> don't worry. allison will survive. she is like a rash i can't get rid of. you dishonest, self serving pathetic drunk, but when i find out i am going to turn it around and cut you open like a rotten piece of fruit. >> do you have a favorite plot or a favorite story line. >> i don't remember a single episode. i can see it on tv. i did that? >> do you remember taking off your shirt? >> once or twice. >> you kiss me first. >> i kissed you the most. i liked it the most. >> hey. >> i remember those characters. >> so your favorite plot line was with daphne. >> there was no plot. there was just kissing. >> reporter: the show was a spin-off of "beverly hills 90210," young uppy neighbors in los angeles. >> kids in college, melrose nights. a big party event. >> maybe i had melrose mondays at my college dorm.
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in fact, i had to make a full disclosure to andrew on our second date. i felt it was a little weird. he kind of asked me if i was a billy fan or a jake fan? i had to be honest. i was a jake fan. >> i didn't actually ask her, she just came out and said it. >> reporter: preparing for this interview i discovered a long lost fact, that andrew, my husband, was cast as billy at the very last minute. someone else was supposed to be billy campbell. >> steven fanning was originally cast in the role of billy campbell, what happened? >> they were talking about chemistry between billy and allison. there wasn't enough chemistry. >> he took his shirt off, right? >> you think they cast me just for my ans? >> let's see -- >> most have remained busy acting, writing books, and grant just got married. >> i love my wife so much. i'm so happy. >> heather, tapped for next scary movie? >> am i getting married? >> they all look great. andrew shue, i got to meet him. looks really good. >> don't be creeping on amy's man. i'm going to call amy right now.
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better watch this chick. looks really great. a >> dent be cracking on amy's man. better watch this chick. i'm only in my 60's... i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan,
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downy infusions. welcome back, everybody. this comes from the file maybe if i come back wealthy i welcome back, everybody. this comes from the file maybe if i come back wealthy in another life, there is this place called tavern island, about a half mile off the coast of connecticut here. and, check out the mansion that they have on this place. it actually is for sale. it was bit back in the 1900s. it has lap pool, boathouse, three beaches, has its own cannon. they call this thing an historic and modern day castle on 3 1/2 acres of land, six-bedroom mansion, whole deal an hour's boat ride from manhattan. all of this can be yours for a paltry $12.9 million. >> that's all. >> if you need a quick getaway, out of manhattan.
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tavern island. this is interesting too -- they thought the island got its name used in the 1920s during prohibition as a speakeasy, that's how it became tavern island. >> oh, yeah. >> just a little getaway for those who have a cool $13 million. you're looking to get rid of. >> we can have "world news now" parties on the island. >> that would be -- >> cannonball. >> that would be a party, man. whoo! >> let me set the scene. las vegas, guy wins big at the wynn. has a briefcase full of cash. on the way to the airport. forgets it. r >> oh. no. uh-uh. >> yeah. anyway this cab driver discovers this after his shift, discovers this large briefcase in between the seats. asks the previous cabbie "hey, is this yours?" opens it, $221,000 worth of cash and he reports it to the security company. lo and behold turns out it, tracked this fellow down, claims it was his, he just won big at the wynn. gives him a tip. guess how much the tip was? $220,000. gave him a tip. >> hope minimum of $10,000, $15,000. tip for returning that kind of money. >> $2,000. >> wow. >> 1%. >> that's cheap.
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the guy was like a wealthy guy? >> young guy under the age of 30. >> only gave $2,000 of $220,000. >> he should just be grateful somebody was that honest and turned the money back in. and cash. untraceable. >> could have kept that cab going, driven, been gone. >> to the island. >> just talked about. >> bad karma. bad karma, watch out. >> this i kind of like. this comes to us out of a high school from germany. they said no more homework. we're done. no more kids. cutting into their time. catch is they actually cut back a year off the high school, because they added study time to the existing grade, means kids are in school until 6:00. at night there. no more homework for kids in grades 5 through 9. they're so stressed out because they're in school all day. cramming the year they sliced off into the three earlier years. in school all the time. no homework in high school. can you imagine what your dating @
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now" -- a public denial. this morning on "world news now" -- a public denial. hours before he learns whether he will spend the rest of his life behind bars, jerry sandusky speaks out. >> the former penn state assistant coach still says he didn't do it. it is tuesday, october 9th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good tuesday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm paula faris. sandusky released an audiotape on which he not only maintains his innocence, he points the finger at his victims, the media, everyone else involved. >> he basically paints himself as a victim, saying this was a vast conspiracy, the kids, the media, the cops, amazing even
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before the hearing in a few hours, he is defiant until the end. not a lot of remorse for the victims in the case, the kids. >> zilch. >> amazing. amazing here. much more in a second. first a look at some other stories we are following this half hour. a surge big time for mitt romney. a new poll is giving the republican candidate an edge over the president. one analyst says this is the first significant lead for romney this year. the wind is at his back for sure after that horrible debate for the president last week. >> well, we can see it could just challenge on a dime. it sure will be different after the v.p. debates on thursday. >> never doubt the power of those debates. especially with 70 million watching. >> a lot of eyeballs. also this half hour, michelle obama sitting down with "night line's" cynthia mcfadden. she talks politics, motherhood, and reveals what her most important role is. plus, one of the most tear-jerking scenes in movie history, but could the director
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have actually gotten it wrong. a popular tv show discovers whether jack, yeah, leo dicaprio from "titanic" could have survived the sinking of the ship. came up in our newsroom meeting. some folks always had a theory that jack could have made it. but what won out? the sense of drama or the sense of physics and reality? and, you know, we know how it ended. >> yeah, we do. >> but the guys in "mythbusters" did some digging up, digging in, looking into it. >> interesting. >> i'll never let go, paula. >> this is a bad time. do that later. serious news first. an unrepentant jerry sandusky prepares to learn his fate. >> the convicted child molester and former penn state assistant coach will be sentenced today. before he goes before the judge, sandusky spoke out issuing a surprise statement from prison. wabc's lucy yang has the latest. >> reporter: if jerry sandusky is still hoping to be a role model for young boys, those days are long gone. >> i would cherish the opportunity to become a candle for others as they have been a light for me. >> reporter: for three minutes
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the disgraced penn state assistant football coach ranted against the world and his victims. >> a young man who was dramatic, a veteran accuser, and always sought attention started everything. >> reporter: blaming just about everyone except himself for his downfall. he was joined by a well orchestrated effort of the media, investigators, the system, penn state, psychologists, civil attorneys, and other accusers. they won. >> reporter: the 68-year-old was convicted in june of molesting ten boys during a 15-year stretch. there was so much evidence during the trial. so much raw pain. so many horrific details. but in his jailhouse statement, he refused to call himself a pedophile. instead he sees in the mirror a model husband. >> they could take away my life, they could make me out as a monster, they could treat me as a monster, but they can't take away my heart. in my heart, i know i did not do these alleged disgusting acts. my wife has been my only sex
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partner and that was after marriage. our love continues. >> reporter: as you can imagine sandusky's defiance is like acid on the wounds of all his victims. victim number five is scheduled to testify. >> i tried and i cared. then asked for the same. please realize all came to the second mile because of issues. some of those may remain. >> later today jerry sandusky will have to answer to 45 counts of child sex abuse. he will likely spend many years behind bars. he is expected to speak at the sentencing. the shameful scandal shot deep into the heart of penn state. lucy yang, abc news, new york. >> again, that hearing just hours from now. as you heard in that piece, sandusky could speak as well as the victims. ful if he speaks and says anything
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resembling the statement he just released, what a moment in court that will be, especially for the victims to have to sit there on that day and listen to him defy these charges. >> his defense attorney said he was desperate basically to get to the stand. his biggest regret, he wasn't able to testify on his own behalf during the trial. but sandusky and his victims will both have an opportunity to -- to basically make the statement, and then the judge is going to pass down the sentence. it is going to range anywhere from ten years to more than 400 years in prison from judge john cleland. >> practically speaking he is going to die in prison no matter what the sentence end up being. real quick, a statement from one of the lawyers for one of the victims says, the failure of mr. sandusky to show any contrition is not unexpected but sad and unfortunate. he has maintained his defiance in the face of a mountain of evidence throughout this process. and we saw more of that in the last few hours. >> yeah. all right. now shifting gears to political news, mitt romney campaigns in the midwest today with an extra bounce in his step. a new poll taken right after the debate shows romney swinging ahead of president obama. right now things stand at 49%-45% in favor of romney. his success is due in large part
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unsurprisingly to improvement among women. he and president obama are now tied in that key voting group. erasing the president's once considerable lead. and that -- i mean a couple weeks ago, a couple months ago, mid-september, he was up by 18 points. the president, that gap gone. that's huge for the romney campaign. >> several pundits after the 47% comment said game over. he is toast. and you just see, what a matter of couple weeks can do. election is actually four weeks from today. but he improved his status and pretty much everything from september from taxes, medicare, jobs, women. >> and the, the jobs including the question, who could handle the economy better. that could be the defining area. that's everyone's number one issue. sliding up in that arena that bodes very, very well. >> but i think we have to wait until wednesday to get the true breadth of, you know, the pre-debate, the debate, and numbers, post job report numbers to come out. i think that will be flushed
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out. >> some analysts say joe biden is feeling the heat. he need a strong debate. we'll see. and romney took on foreign policy yesterday in a speech at virginia military institute. he blasted current u.s. policy in syria arguing we should partner with other countries to help arm the rebels to defeat assad. romney said america much take a larger, stronger role in global politics. >> our friends and allies across the globe don't want less american leadership. they want more. >> romney also criticized the obama administration for failing to declare the attack on the u.s. consulate in libya a terrorist attack. with his opponent surging in the polls, president obama is campaigning with new urgency. he told donors in san francisco that it was time to get, quote, almost obsessive in their efforts to lobby friends and relatives in battleground states, and he declared, i very much intend to win this election. our other big story of the week, the deadly meningitis
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outbreak linked to a shipment of steroids is claiming more lives. now 105 confirmed cases stretching throughout the country in nine states. so far eight people have died. 13,000 more people may still be at risk. the steroids contaminated by a fungus were delivered to two dozen states. fungal meningitis is not contagious -- again, not contagious -- but those injected in the spine are most at risk. and now to a bizarre insect-eating contest in florida. by the time it was all over, the winner was dead. gobbled up dozens of giant roaches and worms at a deerfield park reptile store hoping to win a python. after he beat out contestants, he started vomiting and then collapsed. he was later pronounced dead at the hospital. >> they were giving away a really expensive snake. so, you know, people do what they have to do, i guess.
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it's a little -- not my cup of tea for sure. >> investigators are still awaiting the results of the autopsy. none of the other contestants became ill. the owner of the reptile store said they all had to sign a waiver. >> strangest story we've done on a show in a while. unbelievable. philadelphia police have made one arrest and they say they expect more charges in the huge weekend wedding brawl that's now gone viral. a 26-year-old man, relative of the groom, is charged with assault in the weekend fight between two wedding parties. all caught on tape by a hotel guest. the bride's uncle who apparently was trying to get himself and other family members away from all that mayhem died of a heart attack. even more sad, he died on what was his 57th birthday. also, a mother in dallas could get life in prison when sentenced to day for severely beating her 2-year-old daughter and even gluing her hands to the wall as a punishment over potty training. 23-year-old ee liz a beth
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escalona pleaded guilty over the summer. at a sentencing hearing monday a pediatrician said the injuries were some of the most shocking she had ever seen. >> people have big issues. well, passions are running high in kansas city all because of the behavior of some at the chiefs game. matt cassel sustained a concussion after getting hit during the fourth quarter. as cassel lie on the ground right there, many chiefs fans were cheering because he would be replaced by brady quinn. after the game chiefs' tackle eric winston let the fans have a piece of his mind. >> i have already kind of come to the understand i probably won't live as long because i play this game. that's okay. that's the choice i have made. that's the choice all of us has made. but when you cheer, when you cheer somebody getting knocked out, i don't care who it is -- and it just so happened to be matt cass elle, it's sickening. >> even the baltimore ravens' player who hit cassel called the fans cheering, quote, just not cool.
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cassel likely to miss the next game at tampa bay sunday. the guys saying they're not gladiators. >> not classy, that's for sure. undefeated texans visiting the new york jets on monday night football. star of the show, texas running back was arian foster. he rolled up 152 yards and a t.d. that means lots of fantasy football points by the way. some folks very happy this morning. jets' last chance ended soon after it started when sanchez's pass was intercepted with less than two minutes left in the game. texans stay undefeated on the year. they win, 23-16. >> houston/atlanta undefeated. >> 5-0, already one of the best selling mobile games of all time. now the force is with them. "angry birds starwars" and creators have teamed up with lucas films. this version will feature bird versions of luke skywalker and
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princess leia and darth vader. ♪ >> nice ad. that's pretty cool. pretty good, guys. angry birds already had 1 billion -- yeah, with a "b" "downloads. the "star wars" edition will be available come november 8. i have a sneaking suspicion its may actually do well. >> angry big bird what we need next. coming up, two people, one board, frozen atlantic ocean. "mythbusters" tackles the burning question could jack and rose have survived the sinking of the "titanic." but first, speaking of cold, have you been outside this morning? a good part of the country, trading flip-flops, record heat to record cold, in record time. coming up. ♪ look around ♪ and the sky is a hazy shade of winter ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lifestyle lift. lifestyle lift. ♪ and the sky is a hazy shade of winter ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brut ought to you by lifestyle lift. follow the wings.
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♪ and the sky is a hazy shade of
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welcome backeryb welcome back, everybody. well, not quite winter just yet. let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet. maybe you've noticed a little chill in the air. >> loving it. in some parts of the nation, that chill has come along with snow. abc's weather editor sam champion says the suddenly lower temperatures are going to be around for a while. >> reporter: after suffering through the third hottest summer on record, a quick turnaround. a preseason blast of cold air bringing snow in early october from the rockies to new england.
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in vermont last week, tourists were enjoying fall foliage. today the red and gold is blanketed with white. ushering in the snow are record lows. more than half the country is experiencing serious cold. 31 states plunged to below freezing with 643 record low temperatures in the past week. in taylor falls, minnesota, the wild mountain ski area had its earliest opening ever. >> everything lined up just right. and it cleared up last night. and it was dry. and the wind was perfect. and it just all worked out. >> reporter: for the first time in early october, temperatures have been low enough to make snow. what did you do last weekend? >> i was water skiing. >> reporter: water skiing. this weekend you are? >> snowboarding. >> reporter: is that kind of nuts that in a week you can do that? >> yeah. it's pretty crazy. >> reporter: and just two weeks ago in three rivers, minnesota, residents were battling record
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heat and wildfires. and more than a foot of snow fell, canceling schools and causing power outages. and this first shove of unusually cold air is not over yet. expect tuesday morning temperatures to again be below normal to denver to new orleans and even back into new england. sam champion, abc news, new york. >> we'll be back. mm. >> are you okay? >> hmm-mm. >> want me to warm you up? >> hey, how are you doing? >> announcer: abc's "world news . mm. mm-mm-mm. hey, how are dwroing.
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welcome back, everybody. well, four weeks from today we'll be telling you it's election day, believe it or not. maybe the people who want that day to come more than anyone are the candidates' wives. >> "nightline" anchor cynthia mcfadden sat down with one of them, first lady michelle obama. >> reporter: she's her husband's not-so-secret winnipeg, crisscrossing the country over the last few weeks, not to
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mention a slew of talk shows. >> he's funny. i'm funnier. >> reporter: and then there was her anniversary, not exactly the date of her dreams. she did get a hug. from ann romney. you know, know that ann romney's playing for the other team, but isn't there a certain sisterhood between women who are in this position? >> absolutely. and this is something that barack and i talk about. we have learned this over time. whenever make this kind of sacrifice, they deserve a pat on the back because that's how much this democracy works. >> reporter: so outside the white house there's always a lot of chatter about how much is the first lady influencing policy. how much do you see your role in that regard? >> i rarely step foot in the west wing. in fact, people are shocked when they see me there. >> reporter: the first lady has long said her most important role is mom in chief. and now, with a teenager. i have a 14-year-old son. he's got a question. it's hard enough to be 14, he said, if your parents aren't the
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president and first lady, if you don't live in the white house. how do you help her negotiate that treacherous territory of 14? >> we point out, look around. you want to see hardship? you want to see struggle? you don't have it, kid. so i think giving her some perspective on what tough is. being 14, and, you know having the president as your father, is way down on the list of tough. >> final question. >> yes. >> what would you like that you don't have right now? >> oh, gosh. you know what? i feel so blessed and so content. i have what any parent would want. i've got a husband who loves me, i've got two kids who are healthy and happy, and i wouldn't dare ask for anything more. cynthia mcfadden, abc news, new york. >> the secret weapons. keep in mind. very cool day on "gma" tomorrow.
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ann romney will be co-hosting the second hour. check that out for sure. >> will do. and surviving the titanic disaster, did jack really have to die at the end of the movie? we'll tell you when we come back. >> well do. and surviving the titanic disaster. >> did jack really have to die off to end the movie? we will tell you when we come back. [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] it's not for colds, it's not for pain, it's just for sleep. [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] because sleep is a beautiful thing. [ birds chirping ] introducing zzzquil, the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil. ♪ promise full whitening results in two weeks or more. rembrandt® deeply white™ 2 hour whitening kit is proven to quickly remove surface stains and deep stains in just two hours. [ female announcer ] rembrandt® deeply white™: whiten in just 2 hours. and i've been the equipment manager for the new york giants for the past 35 years. and i've been using tide to fight the smells and stains of the game. because when i do the laundry... it's for a family of 53.
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♪ you are safe in my heart and my heart will go on ♪ ♪ you are safe in my heart and my heart will go on ♪ >> i love that song. >> mm. i'm back, i'm back. >> are you okay? >> finally, this half hour, it just didn't have to happen. >> no! >> "it" being what took place at the end of the movie "titanic," which you are going to see in a second. >> well, a new re-enactment of that scene in the movie shows that nobody had to die. it's okay. here's abc's david wright. >> so cold. >> reporter: spoiler alert, in case you're the one person on the planet who hasn't seen "titanic." jack doesn't make it. he freezes to death in the icy atlantic so that rose can survive. but was that as it had to be? hey, james. >> hey. >> on the discovery channel,
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"titanic" director james cameron turned to the "mythbusters" for help. >> thousands of fans think i got it wrong, could have both been supported by the board and could have lived. >> reporter: the "mythbusters" tried it first in a bathtub with little jack and rose dolls. >> it doesn't look like they could stay afloat. >> reporter: then tried it for real in the open water. >> jack's first attempts to get aboard the board seem very similar to the movie. the board does appear to be made for one. sure enough, persistence pays off, especially when they came up with a tweak worthy of macgyver. >> you're wearing a life jacket. let's spread some of rose's boyancy around. let's put the underneath and get every bit. >> reporter: by latching the life preserver underneath the plank, jack and rose both would
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have been high and dry. >> we are rescued. we totally made it. >> i think you're missing the point here. >> reporter: the director points out sometimes the laws of drama trump the laws of physics. >> the script says jack dies. he has to die. >> reporter: the ending for this movie had to include some tragedy. david wright, abc news. los angeles. >> rose is lucky i wasn't out there. i would let go. i'm gone. >> of her? >> bye-bye, got to find another. >> going to get on the raft and kick her off? >> look, love. you've got to move on. but look. see? you and me. >> you would have been like see you. pushed her. >> later, girl. sorry, life is tough. it's a jungle out there. plenty of fish in the sea. see you back at land, maybe. i'm an only child. i've never noticed. never. >> it's clearly obvious. it's all right. well, our hearts and this show will go on. more from abc coming up next. don't go far. >> it's so cold. >> it's so cold. don't go far -- it's so cold. it's so cold. i'm only in my 60's...
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i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, it could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request
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your free decision guide. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and you never need a referral. see why millions of people have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now. th
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this morning on "world news now" -- the numbers game. new polls paint a picture of a shifting presidential race with just four weeks to go. >> both candidates will end up in all-important ohio later today. it is tuesday, october 9th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good tuesday morning, everyone. i'm paula faris. >> and i'm rob nelson. we'll get to the latest polls and the battle in the buckeye state coming up in just a moment. but also this half hour, judgment day for jerry sandusky. and we're hearing from the convicted child molester ahead of today's sentencing that could put him away for the rest of his life. he released this incredibly interesting statement. and, again, not -- no contrition, no guilt, pointing
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fingers and saying he still denies it and it's all the result of a conspiracy against him. an amazing statement hours before he may get sentenced the rest of his life behind bars. >> he's going to go in front of the judge. some of the victims will go in front of the judge today. he faces anywhere from 10 years to 400 years. >> emotional day in court. hopefully some closure of some kind. and then a free fall from the edge of space. the stage is set for one of the most daring feats in history today. a daredevil's 23-mile plunge from the stratosphere. it's going to take him about 3 1/2 hours to get up there, just seconds to get down. >> amazing. talk about guts and courage and -- crazy. >> all of that rolled up in one. >> i don't get it. also, together again? well, the signs all point to a kristen stewart/robert pattinson reunion -- hey, now -- being real. the latest on the rekindling love life coming of in "the skinny." see, maybe real love has a second act after alleged
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infidelity, whatever. he found it in his heart to forgive her. >> worked it out. >> that could be cool. a happy ending for once. >> maybe it could bring them closer. >> maybe. a new numbers game, four weeks before the election. four weeks from today. can you believe it? >> let's go. >> a new poll after the debate shows mitt romney bouncing up. he's now ahead 49% to 45% over the president. >> although the race does remain very close with both candidates returning to a state critical for victory in november. abc's karen travers is joining us now with more. hey, karen. >> good morning, rob. good morning, paula. a month out from election day, and yesterday wasn't the typical day on the campaign trail. mitt romney was focused on foreign policy, and the president was asking for cash, not votes. shifting his focus to foreign affairs, mitt romney launched a scathing attack on president obama's policies and leadership overseas. >> it's time to change course in the middle east. it's clear that the risk of conflict in the region is higher now than when the president took office. >> reporter: so far the economy has dominated the campaign
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debate, but the romney campaign tried to seize on questions and criticisms about the president's handling of last month's attack in libya. it was also a chance to try to reverse the tide after some of romney's own recent perceived missteps, including initial response to the libya attack. the republican contender accused the president of passivity over partnership. >> i know the president hopes for a safer, freer, more prosperous middle east allied with us. i share this hope. but hope is not a strategy. >> reporter: the romney campaign was feeling good after his debate performance last week, and there's evidence he got a bounce. the president was stumping for cash, not votes. he continued his california fund-raising swing, which is expected to bring in $10 million over two days. in between money events the president attended a dedication at the cesar chavez national monument. >> our world is a better place because caesar chavez decided to change it. >> reporter: with president
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obama and mitt romney both in ohio today, the focus is likely to shift back to the economy. rob and paula, back to you. >> thanks a lot, karen. this thursday, it's the candidates for vice president who will meet face to face, and our own martha raddatz will moderate that debate. abc, of course, will carry it live. it all kicks off at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. they say bind could be feeling the pressure. the president did so poorly. now pressure on joe's shoulders to come out there and kind of maybe put -- you know, spark a fire that the president could not. also interesting, came out yesterday from our pollster at "the washington post" is that the composition of the polls has changed a little bit. that can explain some of the shift in the numbers. both in the gallup and pew poll, self-identified democrats, that number was higher in the predebate polls. self-identified republicans were up in the post-debate polls. so the wind has definitely been at romney's back, that's for sure, but the composition changed and changed numbers as well. and that has maybe changed some of the numbers as well. >> i think there will be paul ryan's fourth debate since he's been in congress, so definitely
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new to that game, whereas joe biden has been around 40-plus years in the senate. >> a long time. so pressure on both fellows, that's for sure. >> it will be high drama. well, one month after the deadly attack on the u.s. ambassador to libya and three other americans in benghazi, we're learning more about security fears leading up to the assault. state department documents show the u.s. embassy in libya asked for a four-month extension for a 16-member security team and the team's commander tells abc news, that ambassador chris stevens wanted the security force to stay even longer, past august. but no request was actually received. in fact, a request for an extension past august, it was never made, even though it had been confirmed and it was granted. but they had never actually put that request through. but tragic, if indeed that request was never made, according to these new reports. >> conditions in the country were worsening. of course, 9/11 a vulnerable
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time for us here domestically and interests abroad. interesting, too, what congress looks into in the house oversight and government reform committee will have hearings wednesday. at least two folks from the state department expected to testify. congress shining a spotlight on exactly how prepared or not prepared we were. >> just getting to the crime scene turned out to be pretty difficult. it took the fbi three weeks to reach the location and gather evidence from there. it's been about a month. i know the white house has promised to bring justice but hasn't spelled anything in particular out. so i thinks they're just waiting for facts to roll in, which are rolling in very slowly at this point. >> slowly. >> we're looking for that to play a role in foreign policy debate. that's coming up too. also we're hearing from an unrepentant jerry sandusky, a judge is expected to send him to prison for the rest of his life. sandusky released a defiant jailhouse statement to a penn state radio station, declaring his innocence and blaming it on a conspiracy, by lying, accusers, investigators, and the media. >> they can take away my life. they can make me out as a monster. they can treat me as a monster.
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but they can't take away my heart. in my heart i know i did not do these alleged disgusting acts. >> sandusky will be sentenced on 45 counts of child sex abuse. at least six of his victims plan to take the stand to ask the judge for the harshest possible punishment. well, the death toll from that nationwide meningitis outbreak is going up this morning. there are now 105 confirmed cases in nine states. and so far at least eight people have died. also 13,000 more people may still be at risk. the steroids contaminated by&-p two dozen states. fungal meningitis, it is not contagious, but those injected in the spine to relieve back pain are most at risk. in other news this morning, relief is on the way for drivers in california. those sky-high gas prices are expected to fall soon. some people were paying nearly six bucks a gallon, believe it
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or not, but the governor did order a switch to cheaper winter blend fuel. his republican opponents, meanwhile, say there should be one formula all year long. >> there's no lasting solution. aren't we looking for the long term so far for the next years we're not going to be facing the gas prices? >> critics say the more expensive summer blend gas is needed to reduce smog.prices? >> critics say the more expensive summer blend gas is needed to reduce smog. >> and gas is not the only thing costing more these days. this year's apple crop, it is the smallest in 26 years. extreme weather last spring, warm weather in march and chill in april caused apple blossoms come early and die suddenly. now it is pushing the price of apples up a dollar a pound. the price of apple juice up 20%. >> not good news. you have two little ones that like the a.j. >> a.j. or o.j.? >> apple juice. >> never called it a.j. >> really? >> how about that. >> every day you learn something useful and important on the
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overnight. >> maybe like once a week i learn something useful. there we go. >> that's more accurate. >> well, here's look at your w.x., your weather. cooler than normal, morning drizzle from boston to new york. thunderstorms around orlando, miami. a wintry mix, rob's favorite. in northern minnesota. and showers from des moines, green bay, moving into chicago, kansas city. >> mostly 50s in the northeast, 60s in the midwest, and 70s from albuquerque to boise. all right. you know it's getting to be halloween time when we have stories like this that you're about to see. charlie brown, you eat your heart out. >> he surely would love that massive pumpkin, which set a california state record yesterday when it was weighed in at a pumpkin festival. 1,775 pounds. that is a full 71 pounds more than last year's record weight. by the way, crops in the state of oregon, that's where the great pumpkin this year was grown. all right. and here's a bizarre one from sunday night over on qvc. they were pitching an android
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tablet for kids when the guest host cassie slane there on the left started having some problems. you see her patting her chest. >> she appeared to faint. the co-host caught her and he also continued to talk about the product like nothing had happened. slain was apparently suffering from low blood sugar. but she's fine now. the weird part he kind of kept talking despite, you know -- her passing out. crazy, you know. >> i already know that you would push me out of the way. >> i'd be there for you. i'm there for you. >> seriously did you hit your head? >> for the joke to work, you've got to keep talking, paula. i didn't fall for nothing. >> i can't help it. i'm compassionate. coming up, mitt romney likes their shirts and for a lot of people, a year's worth of toilet paper. now the store is offering home furnishings at a surprising price. >> the first man to plunge to earth at the speed of sound.
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we'll be right back. >> are you okay? >> oh, lord. ♪ can you take me higher >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. ♪ let's go there thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and save you up to thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about. and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks,
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this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions, and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. but between check-ups tartar builds. keep it clean with new listerine® ultraclean™. it's the only mouthwash with a new tartar control formula for a dentist clean feeling. ahhhhhhhh. [ male announcer ] new listerine® ultraclean™. power to your mouth™. and i've been the equipment manager for the new york giants for the past 35 years. and i've been using tide to fight the smells and stains of the game. because when i do the laundry... it's for a family of 53. that's my tide. what's yours?
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♪ let's go there ♪ let's go there ♪ can ye ♪ let's go there ♪ let's go there ♪ let's go there ♪ let's go there ♪ can you take me higher >> oh, creed. >> mm. if everything goes as planned, a death-defying feat of courage will make it into the history books later today.
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>> felix baumgartner, the 43-year-old daredevil known as fearless felix is set to free fall from the edge of space and hurl like an extreme human cannon ball -- no, thank you -- and head straight toward the new mexico desert. >> reporter: the plan, years in the making, is simply astounding. felix baumgartner will try to make a supersonic stratospheric jump leaping from 23 miles high and breaking the sound barrier with speeds of more than 700 miles an hour. baumgartner, a former austrian paratrooper, says he's ready for the extreme challenge. >> we practiced this for so many years. and now we are almost there. so this is my biggest dream. and we are one step closer and almost there. i feel good at the moment. >> reporter: along with baumgartner's nerves of steel, the mission requires cutting-edge equipment. he'll strap on a helmet, special
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suit, and lift off from roswell in a 3,000-pound cable and bag, balloon with 30 million cubic feet of helium, the skin thinner than a ziploc baggy. stretching 55 stories high, it is so huge it would cover 40 acres if laid flat. the ride up to reach 120,000 feet will take close to three hours, and then with the sky black and the curve of earth in sight, the moment of truth. >> that one step forward is an important step because you know you're going home. you're going back to a very healthy environment again because you've been in a hostile environment for so many hours. >> reporter: the heart-stopping return to earth could take 5:30 minutes. and after 25 years of skydiving, felix baumgartner promises this jump will be his last. >> in more ways than one, maybe. >> yes. let's hope it doesn't end poorly. >> safe travels man.
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>> "the skinny" is next. >> announcer: abc's "world news now" will continue after this from our abc stations. st. >> in more ways than one, maybe. >> yes.
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♪ skinny ♪ so skinny >> hate to be the bearer of bad news here to start off "the skinny", but kind of a long-term hollywood marriage unexpectedly headed toward splitsville. danny devito and rhea perlman
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are done after 30 years of marriage. and danny devito, star of "taxi" and how many movies, rhea perlman most famous for her role as carla, the most feisty waitress on "cheers" many years ago. they've decided after 30 years they're going their separate ways. devito's spokesman confirmed the split. but did not really say why. some speculation, crazy work schedules for something else. so far no real reasons why they're going their separate ways. kind of sad to hear that kind of news. you are used to marriages busting up four, five, six years, normal in hollywood. 30, you'd think by that point you are in it to win it. >> they had been together 10, 11 years prior, so we're talking 40-plus years together. >> that's crazy. i don't get that. so we wish them well, whatever the reason was. maybe. maybe it's not really over. we'll see. wish them well that's for sure. >> from a breakup to a makeup. ♪ makeup >> all you twihards are going to be excited, maybe. i don't know how you feel.
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robert pattinson, kristen stewart, according to "people" magazine, back together. not according to either. but sources -- >> always sources. >> sources say it is back on. of course, they broke up in july after her affair with rupert sanders, director of "snow white and the huntsman." apparently they met up in los angeles. according to these "sources" and began spending more and more team together. he has decided not to sell the house that they shared in l.a. together. they will make their first appearance together as part of -- well, they're promoting the twie lilight saga "breaking daw" >> maybe publicity-minded. you never know. not to be too jaded. you never know. currently not physically together. he is in new york. she is in california hanging out with her dad. >> all right. we'll see. maybe. chris brown and rihanna got their thing back together. looks like. they may be getting backing together. you never know what way life will twist and turn. >> uh-huh. also jennifer lopez making headline this morning as well. she is the executive producer of
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a new sitcom called "the fosters," which airs on abc family. it basically centers around two women raising an ethnically diverse group of biological and adoptive children. the premise of the series has angered the very conservative family group, one million moms. we heard from them before. they take issue with the attempt, rather, to redefine marriage and family by having two moms raise these children together. they also slam hollywood for pushing an agenda that homosexuality is acceptable when scripture clearly states it is a sin. they think abc family has lost its mind and is anything but family friendly. hooray for compassion and tolerance as always from that family group. >> all right. "50 shades of grey," the movie is coming out soon. we know who -- the studio, the producers, and now we know the screenwriter. the screenwriter will be kelly marcel on the right. who is she? she co-created "tara nova."
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and a film with tom hanks in production. >> going to be rich too. >> yeah, going to have a lot of money. and a film with tom hanks in production. >> going to be rich too. >> yeah, going to have a lot of money. ♪ but only if i were go out without my covergirl. are you crazy?
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i want to look natural, not naked! but all you need is 3. lashblast for volume, outlast -- for kissing... simply ageless to help you look easy breezy beautiful covergirl. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health.
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♪ but o i were ♪ but only if i were a painter and could paint a memory of you ♪ finally this half hour, would you like a picasso, a monet, maybe a little van gogh with your massive package of paper towels? >> the 400 bundle. or how about a warhol with your pallet of bottled water? well, costco, believe it or not, is making pairings possible as abc's john muller shows us. >> reporter: it is famous for stretching the family dollar from toilet paper to televisions, t-shirts to t-bones. costco is an american staple for staples. now the retailer known for deep discounts is selling fine art on its website. >> costco sells just about anything.
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i mean why not? >> reporter: a matisse lithograph sells for $1,049. andy warhol for more than $1,000. a lot of campbell soup cans. or to put it another way, 2,336 rolls of kirkland brand toilet paper. or 187 pounds of cashews. costco says it keeps the cost below those of most art galleries by charging no more than a 4% mark-up on all retail items. business is booming since the art was first listed two weeks ago. if you go online, you notice all the masterpieces are out of stock, sold out. >> i mean, i like costco, but for fine art, i would rather be in person. >> they're a big company, and i would trust to buy fine art from them. >> reporter: the artwork will join other luxury offerings like jewelry and wedding dresses. believe it or not, fine art has been sold at lines before. sears sold through their catalog in the 1970s. get this. your warhol comes with a money-back guarantee if you
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don't like it. that just might be better than 15 minutes of fame. john muller, abc news, new york. >> i may be the only person on the planet never been to a costco. but i think it's great they have that stuff there. >> wait. have you been to sam's? >> no. and i grocery shop a lot. i am not a club member. i know that makes me anti-american. >> if you have a kid, you need diapers en masse. >> right. >> you go to costco, you can never get out of there without spending $500. you go for two things and you end up with a cart full. >> same with walmart. i get that. been there. >> hot dog, soda. $1.50. it's one of the greatest buys on the planet. >> that's a good deal. like the sound of that. i don't buy anything in bulk enough to shop at those you. know what i mean. >> other than breath minutes. >> what kind of american are you?
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